Volunteers Needed for Textbook Return (6/1, 6/2, 6/4)
Our NHS Library needs volunteers to help with textbook returns during this last week of school. If you are available, please consider signing up. Sign-up Link here.
Volunteers Needed for Textbook Return (6/1, 6/2, 6/4)
Our NHS Library needs volunteers to help with textbook returns during this last week of school. If you are available, please consider signing up. Sign-up Link here.
Thank you ALL for supporting NHS PTSA and the NHS Community! Volunteers like you genuinely make this world a better place, and we are forever grateful. Thank you for serving with a giving heart and generously sharing your time and talent with the community!
Due to Covid, this was a unique school year, but because of dedicated volunteers, we were able to come together to serve our community!
Senior parent volunteers, as you graduate from NHS, please know that you will always be a part of the NHS community and are always welcome at NHS PTSA. All the best in the next season of life!
Below are the NHS PTSA service recognitions for the 2020-2021 school year:
Golden Oak Service Award: Ginger Kawanami
Golden Oak Service Award: Isabelle Mah
Honorary Service Award: Natalie Wang
Honorary Service Award: Tina Zhao
Very Special Person Award: Marisa Blam
Very Special Person Award: Vida Gotico
Very Special Person Award: Lupe Howard
Very Special Person Award: Weizhen Ji
Continuing Service Award: Jim Leung
Continuing Service Award: Yan Sun
A shout-out of appreciation also to the PTSA GradNight 2021 Committee Members and Senior parents:
Renu Agnihotri,
Sandy Chou,
Traci Maynard,
Viv Mirigian,
Mei Ramos, and
Julia Stark.
The above GN committee members and ALL event volunteers are sincerely appreciated! We thank you for their time, effort, and dedication put in planning safe, fun, and memorable experiences for our NHS Seniors.
Also, special thanks to our ASB Rep and Senior, Jasmine Sinchai, for attending all the PTSA meetings and sharing about the ASB activities to keep the association updated with events and happenings at NHS.
Seeking GradNight Chairs for NHS Class of 2022
Current Junior parents, if you like to plan a class party for your student, Gradnight for graduating Seniors (2022) needs you. If you want to find out more and are interested to serve as chairs or co-chair with your friends, please contact:
Senior Scholarship Info for Canyon View Alumni
Canyon View PTA would like to invite Canyon View Alumni to participate in the scholarship granted by our PTA. Link Here.
To be eligible for consideration, a student must be a graduating high school senior in good academic standing who attended Canyon View Elementary School for one full academic year. The deadline for the applications with video will be by 3PM, FRIDAY May 28th.
PTSA May Association Meeting - May 12 at 7pm on Zoom
Please join us at our last PTSA meeting of the year this Wednesday, May 12 at 7pm. Zoom Meeting ID: 430 059 9409 / Passcode: NHSPTSA21
On the agenda is the report from Principal Roach, the board, and the committee chairs. A special guest for the meeting is Mrs. Smith from the NHS College & Career Readiness Center.
All Things GradNight 2021 for NHS Seniors
GradNight Tickets: Buy your tickets here.
Get Your Yard Signs: Yard-Signs for NHS Graduates are available now for purchase! Please see the flyer for details and help support this fundraising effort of the GradNight Committee. Flyer
Photo Shoot Fundraiser: Senior Photoshoot Fundraiser is here! Get your Senior year pictures taken and support your GradNight Committee. Flyer
GradNight-2021 FAQs: Much awaited information from the GN committee on GradNight 2021! FAQ
NHS Library Book Drive
BOOKS are HERE and Shelves are Packed!!!
Thank you to all the generous donors who have purchased books or made cash donations to the library to increase the book collection at NHS. The books are arriving, and the shelves are beginning to get packed.
With funding from parents (Book-Drive), PTSA (GiftstoSchool), and an IPSF grant, over 1200 books have been ordered and 857 have been received to date. Students may now check out the books by following the instructions to the link here.
Our appreciation goes to our new librarian, Peter Fatzaun, who has been spearheading the effort to revamp the library this year by adding high-interest young adult novels, graphic novels, manga, and non-fiction titles. It takes a concerted effort to fund and build a library collection and to keep it current and relevant to our student population. Northwood lags the other Irvine high schools in the number of books and titles available for circulation but now we are building on! If you haven’t had a chance to donate a book and would still like to do so, please donate here.
Here are some before & after photos: