It’s official! Athletic competition is returning to Northwood. Irvine Unified School District is committed to using all its tools to help our student athletes have competitive play March to May 22, 2021. We will be updating you frequently, because the IUSD and Northwood teams are “building the plane while its flying!” so to speak. Your patience is required.
Key Highlights:
- On February 18th, the California Department of Public Health released updated guidelines which approved athletics to participate outside of their assigned colored tier following specific rules.
- In order for student-athletes to follow the updated guidelines, which are less restrictive, the district needs to have a signed informed consent waiver for every athlete. The informed consent can be found here and the waiver can be found here. An athlete cannot train or compete following the less restrictive guidelines until NHS has a signed waiver on file at the school.
- As of right now, all competition must be outdoors. The state/county/district and NHS are working on options/ideas for the indoor programs.
- The district is actively working on a spectator policy as well.
- Since we are essentially cramming three season of sports into four months, NHS athletics will continue to be flexible and fluid in scheduling and playing practices and games. Please have patience as things may need to change quickly for multiple reasons.
- NHS Athletics administration is currently working with the district to see what options we have in regards to athletes playing multiple sports simultaneously. We hope to have some more information soon.
Questions may be emailed to our Northwood Athletic Directors (please send to both, as you can imagine, things are hectic):
Brandon Emery brandonemery@iusd.org
Sierra Wang sierrawang@iusd.org