Our next PTSA meeting will be this Tuesday, February 17th at 7:00 p.m. in the College and Career Center, Room 1035. Kathi Smith will talk about what the Center has to offer and finding the best fit for your child and college. Also, Dr. Roach will be discussing the LCAP and needs our input! Please join us and be heard!
Are You Considering a Career
as a Law Enforcement Officer or Crime Scene Investigator?
Come and meet Michael Kent from the Irvine Police Department and find out about the academic qualifications, the day-to-day realities of the job, the different paths available in this career, the salary range, and much more! Take this opportunity to ask all that you want to know about this profession!
When: Thursday, February 26, 2015
Time: During Lunch, 11:50 a.m. – 12:25 p.m.
Where: College and Career Center, room 1035
Questions? Contact Beatrice Tseng-Chen, PTSA VP of Programs, beatseng@gmail.com
Save the Date: Tyler Durman to Speak at NHS March 12
PTSA proudly presents Tyler
Durman, who will be speaking to students at the Pack of the Pride Assembly in
the morning and to parents in the evening. Come and meet the author of Counterintuitive, What 4 Million Teenagers
Wish We Knew. Tyler Durman has been
featured at Universal Studios in Hollywood and on Network TV for his unique
wisdom about raising teenagers today. Help and hope for parents of teenagers in
75 minutes! Evening presentation will be at 6:30 p.m. in the NHS Theater (see
flyer). Questions? Contact Beatrice Tseng-Chen, PTSA VP of Programs at beatseng@gmail.com.Grad Night Tickets are On Sale
Purchase by February 27 before the next price increase. Ticket purchase agreement form can be found via the link below, or on the PTSA website (www.northwoodptsa.org) under Grad Night Forms.
Parent and student must complete and sign the form, and attach payment of check only to NHS PTSA. Please return to front office or SAC. If you would like to make an additional contribution toward the event, family donation information can be found also at the bottom of the ticket form.
Grad Night is a special all-night party at a secret location for Seniors only, on the night of Graduation and into the next morning (10:00 p.m. on June 17 until 6:00 a.m. on June 18). The ticket price includes transportation, food, entertainment, and more! The event is completely safe and supervised by adults and organized by PTSA. Grad Night is the best night of the year for the Seniors, and most all of the Senior Class attends! After the Graduation ceremony, there is still plenty of time to celebrate with family and friends before Grad Night begins.
Buy your ticket today ... We don't want any of the Seniors to miss out!
Questions? Contact Cari Coleman at andycaricoleman@cox.net
MaryAnn Bentrott and Cari Coleman
Co-Chairs, Grad Night 2015, NHS PTSA
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